Benin marks
Benin is a rich kaleidoscope of ethnic and tribal groups. Some ethnicities are better known than others. Thus, for example, the nomad Fulani are based in different countries and are popular in the area, but others as the Somba and Holi (cannibals till the 80´s) are unknown to the majority even in Benin. Some of the groups draw attention for their hairstyles, their body and facial tattoos and their impact scarifications. Thus, the Somba people have the face completely scarified, with a pattern similar to the one they have on the mud walls of their houses. Holi women show off belly and face scarifications, these are considered a symptom of beauty. In addition, their scarifications and tattoos on their faces designate the clan to which they belong. Fulani women are very fond of facial tattoos, which they consider showing them more beautiful. In an increasingly homogenous and similar world, ethnic groups in Benin continue to exist with their cultural peculiarities, their tattoos and scarifications.